January 6, 2011

2011 - My Year!

We were among the thousands thronging the Downtown Dubai to witness the ringing in of the New Year by the much hyped world’s highest fireworks at Burj Khalifa. It lasted only for a few minutes and as we were totally awestruck at the unabashed display! Appu and her friend had their mouth wide open and eyes popping out. Later, in the car, they were very vocal about their disappointment that it did not last longer and were fuming and cribbing about the unfairness of it all – we were in the car for almost 6 hours to witness the 3 minutes show! But the young lasses did not waste a minute of these 6 hours and were chatting away and enjoying all the while. And eh… I could not help but eavesdrop on their conversation. Its fun to hear these little girls talk, uff, they left me feeling ashamed of my skills at gossip and b****ing!

A week has almost passed and I am busy trying up a lot of loose strings. “ My New Year” has not commenced yet! I am excited and jittery about this year as it is going to a very different one for me and a major turning point! Resolutions have been conciously avoided this year. But yes, a few goals are lined up at the starting point and waiting for the gunshot. Steps have been taken to chuck out and keep away all the negativities of year 2010. Positive outook and approach is on the cards for this year!

2011 – The year of Books, books and books and lots of books!
I was quite concerned about my reading being on the back burner for a while. Last year I got it rolling again, only about 12 books read but its an improvement and I am glad about it. I have signed up for the South Asian Challenge to read more of my current favourites - Asian authors, infact more of Indian authors. I am impatient to relish the fares dished out by the young crop of Indian authors. Its so much more easier to relate to them and many a times the bond is formed with the authors even before you actually start with the books.  I have also joined the 50 book challenge at Shelfari and look forward to completing atleast 50 books this year!

2011 – The year of health and fitness!
I have given away a precious year of mine being obscenely fat and resembling an overstuffed potato sack! Apart from the weight and tyres (so many that my hubby is now quite relaxed about driving around without a spare trye in the car), I have managed to gain more than my share of self loathing, a creaking knee, a borderline thyroid disfunction and worst of all, disgusted looks from Appu many a times! Yes, I am going to make this the year for reversal of the sins of the year gone by!

2011 – The year of Culinary Delights!
Well, I admit to a little bit of exaggeration there. I will take my first tiny steps into the world of gravies, stir frys, roasts, grills et al. And by the close of the year, I want to proudly proclaim “ Yeah..I can cook!”. I am not over ambitious here – as long as I can cook up a decent simple meal, and a healthy tasty snack fpr the kids, I will be happy! Ahem, ahem…..note the cookery blogs on my blogroll at the right!

So here’s 3 cheers to 2011 -

A healthy, peaceful, fun, contented, cheerful new year to all of you!!