July 13, 2010

Musings of a mushy mom

Aarush is soon going to turn a year old! My boy seems to be the topic that I blog about most. Can’t help it as I am enjoying motherhood so much more with him that with Appu. As I mentioned in an earlier post, with Appu I was a mom with bare minimum involvement. Though I must add, I am enjoying Appu more these days. Even though she does give me real hard times, I am discovering more and more about her each day. I am amazed at how matured and grown up she can be at times, how utterly irritating and nosy a pest she can be at times and much to my disdain how rebellious and totally defiant she can be at times.

Aarush is fast becoming a very delicious cherry pie topped with a generous scoop of the yummiest cream. Its unbelievable that this is the very same baby who was so peaceful just a few months back, charming all with his ready smiles, open arms and constant drools. Overnight he has turned into a little rascal whose mission each day is to be up on his oh-so-tiny twos, stuffing himself into anything that he can barely get his body into, conquering new heights, demolishing anything stacked up neatly in any corner of the house, ripping pages of any old magazines or books within his reach, practicing and improving his biting skills mostly on his sister, openly proclaim his dislike for the way ammoomma has arranged the kitchen and implement changes at his own will.

He does very little crawling nowadays and prefers to go around his business with on his feet. In cases of major emergencies, such as his rightful place of honour on ammoomma’s or amma’s lap being usurped by his sis, he can even manage to change gear at short notice and race around with his arms raised hollering tiny mouthfuls at her. He loves pushing and lugging things around and I encourage him. (Yeah.. ulterior motives here..I am hopefully raising a lad who in the future can be at my beck and call for rearranging the furniture around the house. He loves music and can actually dance. (Yes, I consider the wiggling and jiggling and the bum shaking accompanied by the flaying hands as dance!) He likes to chew on everything he comes across and now we have remotes drenched in his sugary drools, half-swallowed-but-pulled-out-by-the-rescue-team curtain tiebacks, chewed-and-curled-up sofa edges what not. The other day I discovered a threadbare patch on a blanket of his. No points for guessing.

I feel so blessed when at the end of a day made so tiresome by the above antics, the little one curls up beside me, warm tiny body of his snuggled against me, a little head in the crook of my arm, breathing deeply, smiling at times and sleeps contently through out the night. My little baby, aint Amma lucky to be your mom!


Sandhya said...

Thanks Maria. Do visit often and leave comments.

Swaram said...

Beautiful post and pics! Blessed indeed :)

Veena said...

Wow, such a tender and loving post! I can pretty much relate to Aarush's cute antics because I have a similar mischief maker at home :)

Sandhya said...

Swaram & Veena - Thanks a lot!