We set out at lunch time for a tour of the city. We had lunch from an Indian restaurant and proceeded to visit a local Buddhist temple. The temple called Asokaramaya had huge statues of Buddha in varying poses. The entrance to the temple is decorated with colourful designs of many buddhict mythcial creatures, white elephants, dieties etc. The status of Buddha were in many poses such as meditating, preaching, sleeping, etc. The walls were also adorned with paintings explaining the various philosopies of Buddhism, many of the legends etc. It was all very beautiful.

After the temple visit, we drove along the tree lined streets of Colombo which resembled Bangalore streets at various places. We saw soem major landmarks such as the Victoria Park, Museum, municpal building, the century old clock tower, various other colonnial buildings as well. There were many street vendors seliing their wares under colourful umbrellas. At the end of the city tour we came to a beach side where some rickshaws selling prawn and crab vadas. It was a repulsive sight for me but as per our guide these crabs and praws stuck on vadas are a favourite delicay and sell like hot cakes.
We had to wind up the trip a bit earlier than planned as Appu was running a fever and I thought it is best that she gets some proper rest to prepare her for the rest of the tour. Appu slept for a record 14 hours at a stretch until 6'O clock the next morning and she was as fresh as a lark!
1 comment:
Luv the serene look on Buddha!
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